Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Telecommuting = VoIP = Expanding the Employee Pool = Increased productivity + Reduced Business Expense

Telecommuting provides employees with a wide range of opportunities to best serve their needs and the needs of the organization. The main advantages are obvious: The flexibility of working from home reduces transportation costs, allows employees to balance a home/business life schedule and offers the organization a competitive benefit for attracting high skilled employees who take fewer sick days and have reduced stress levels.

telecommute, telecommuting, mobility, remote offices
Telecommuting usually needs to be on a grand scale in order to allow a business to reduce expenses for workspace, parking, and energy use. That said, even on a lesser scale, studies reveal happier, more productive employees, with telecommuting attributable to increased attraction and retention of quality employees.
For example, forty percent of IBM’s employees telecommute, saving nearly $2.9 billion in reduced office space needs (and millions more on energy costs) since 1995. Telecommuting also permits businesses to de-concentrate their resources, leaving them less vulnerable to power outages, workplace illness or direct attack, and more nimble and better able to recover and continue operations after calamities.
Mobile technology is giving employees unprecedented geographical freedom in their work while expanding the pool of employees upon which businesses can call. The latest advances provide any and all employers the ability to offer this benefit with minimal technology expenses and in some cases even a savings. VoIP has transformed the communications industry and is ever increasingly changing the telecommuting landscape.
To learn more about how telecommuting can benefit your business, please call us at (781) 756-5100 or email

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