Tired of checking voicemail messages remotely? Frustrated with entering touch tones on your smartphone just to access your new messages in your voicemail box? Too noisy at the airport and you can’t really hear your messages?
If you have ever had these thoughts or frustrations, Speech to Text may be just for you.
By simply having your voicemail messages automatically routed to a speech recognition engine, your new messages can be delivered to you as readable text in your email. With the most recent advances in speech technology and a little coaching for callers to speak clearly, listening to voicemail can be a thing of the past.
With Speech to Text, your company becomes more responsive to urgent voice messages resulting in higher sales, better customer retention and increased personal productivity. Once voicemail is converted to text, messages can be searched, forwarded, archived and appended. Urgent messages can be checked discreetly in noisy places and in meetings ensuring importance messages never sit in your voicemail unheard.
Speech to Text works with most existing phone equipment and mobile devices. There is no forklift upgrade and you can still use your phone to access voicemail messages, but you will likely never log in to your listen to voicemail again.
Let us help you learn how speech to text can help your business!